Page 108 - TGIA_AnnualReport2010
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eport of the Motor Insurance Committee
1. Improve Motor Insurance Premium Rates insurance association decided to select a number of
The Motor Insurance Committee and the Office of printing shops to ensure that the policies, printed by
Insurance Commission (OIC) had worked together to them are conform to the standard and requirements of
improve policy types, policy wordings and premium the association. The selected 4 printers are:
rates of motor insurance so that they are conform to the 1) The Chanvanich Security Printing Co., Ltd
current situation and actual risks as prescribed in the 2) The TKS Siam Press Management Co., Ltd.
Order of the Insurance Commissioner No. 6/2548 dated 3) The Thai British Security Printing Co., Ltd.
May 13, 2005. 4) The Siriwatana Security Print Co., Ltd.
Since the current motor insurance premium rates The use of new policies shall start as of April 1, 2011.
have been used for many years, the OIC therefore set up The Association shall launch a public relations campaign
a joint working group to review and to issue new premium through radio, television, newspaper and billboard.
rates. After the review, the working group viewed that the
current rates are conform to current situation and has 4. Supports Given to Government and Private Agencies
proposed the opinion to the Motor Insurance Committee, 4.1 Support to Police Investigation-Related
who agreed to adjust the premium rate for Code 420 tow Expenses
truck. Donated 20,000 Baht to the Investigation Center
of the Metropolitan Police Headquarters to help with the
2. A Project to Study and Distribute Technical Information expense incurred from investigation effort by the police
Related to the Risks Involved in Motor Insurance on a case involving a group of criminals who fraudulently
The General Insurance Association and the Motor solicited car buyers to buy the cars and pay only the
Insurance Committee commissioned the Thatcham down payment in the used cars tents.
(Thailand) Co., Ltd. to conduct a study and research on 4.2 Awards to Outstanding Police Officers
automobile’s technical information that are related to Provide the following amount of financial supports
insurance risk. The main objective is to control the claim to police officers with outstanding performance during
costs through the dissemination of risk-related technical the launch of “No Drunk Driving” Project.
information such as thief prevention and the level of loss (1) Donated 3 money rewards, totaling 45,000
per incident. To achieve this, a central body, representing Baht to the Command Division 5, Traffic Police Headquarters,
the business and the public shall be set up to provide Tung Mahamek and Bang Yi Rua Police Stations for
technical information, prevention and correction measures outstanding performance during the Songkran Festival
to car manufacturers, auto parts manufacturers and in 2010 on February 1, 2011.
garages. The project shall include the setting up of a (2) Donated 4 money rewards, totaling 55,000
body to inspect and to certify the quality of duplicated Baht to the Command Division 5, Traffic Police Headquarters,
parts to be sold in the country to ensure that their quality Wang Thong Lang, Chok Chai Police Stations and the
is standardized and can be trusted by the users. The Command Division 1, Traffic Police Headquarters for
project is scheduled to complete in 2 years. outstanding performance during the Songkran Festival
in 2010 on February 1, 2011.
3. Anti-Forgery Motor Insurance Policy The donation was accepted by Pol. Maj. Gen.
As the public and insurance companies are affected Panu Kerdlabphol, Deputy Commander of the Metropolitan
by the rampant forgery of compulsory and voluntary Police and Pol. Maj. Gen. Uthaiwan Kaewsa-ard, the
motor insurance policies is rampant, the general Traffic Police Commander.
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