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Annual Report 202315
 Thai General Insurance Association                                                        Thai General Insurance Association
 14 Annual Report 2023

 Framework and Strategic Directions under the 2023-2025   TGIA

 Strategic Plan of the Thai General Insurance Association  Core Values

 1. Raise awareness of the necessity of insurance.   6.   Encourage the talent recruitment into the general
 insurance industry and develop personnel to strive
 2. Drive ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance)   for excellence.
 initiatives within the Thai general insurance industry.

 7.   Transform the Thai General Insurance Association
 3. Support the creation of a centralized data hub and   (TGIA) into a “Modern & Smart Organization” by
 the effective utilization of insurance data to maximize   enhancing both human resources and proactive work
 benefits for society and the public.  processes.

 4. Support self-regulation within the industry and move   8.   Strengthen collaboration and relationships with
 advance towards liberalization in certain dimensions.  regulatory authorities and other relevant organizations.

 5. Advocate for government measures to promote and   9.   Support the review and refinement of laws, regulations,
 support insurance across all sectors and dimensions   and rules related to the general insurance industry
 to facilitate risk management and reduce the   (Regulatory Guillotine).
 government’s burden.

 10.   Enhance efficiency by establishing operational
 standards as guidelines for the general insurance

 11.  Promote the development of a Digital Insurance

 12.  Foster constructive cooperation among TGIA member
               Teamwork                Goals                    Innovation               Adaptability
 13.   Support the expansion of Thai general insurance
 industry into foreign markets and investments
 opportunities.  Collaborate in developing   Set clear, challenging, and   Foster creativity and out-of-  Adapt to current circumstances
               clear team processes,   measurable objectives with   the-box thinking to drive   with a demonstrated capacity
               understand roles and    defined timelines for monitoring   innovation and maintain a   for flexibility.
               responsibilities, prioritize   success.          continuous learning mindset.
               mutual support, and collectively
               acknowledge the team’s
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