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Performance Report of the Motor Insurance Committee

               1. Super Car Insurance
                     The Committee had specifically developed a Super Car Insurance policy to serve high-performance auto-
               class, which, unlike ordinary cars, has special features in usage, engine performance, and repairing work. The
               policy is in specific form and written on named-basis only. (If prefer unnamed, the standard Motor Insurance
               policy shall be used.) As such, the liability coverage is strictly tied to insured(s) named in the policy. There is no
               coverage at all if the driver, at the time of accident, is not the named insured.

               2. Meetings with Agencies and Organizations
                     2.1 Meeting with the Vehicle Theft Reduction Council of Malaysia Berhad (VTREC)
                     The Committee had a meeting with the Vehicle Theft Reduction Council of Malaysia Berhad (VTREC),
               discussing and exchanging ideas about the loss reduction for cross-border vehicle theft and other concerned
               cooperation, on June 16, 2015, at the Thai General Insurance Association.

                     2.2 Meeting with the Thailand Automotive Institute
                     The Committee had a meeting with the Thailand Automotive Institute, discussing about a trend of
               Thailand’s  automotive  industry,  on  September  4,  2015,  at  the  Thai  General  Insurance  Association.  The
               Committee also visited the Institute’s Testing R&D Center, Bang Poo Office, Chachoengsao on October 14,
               2015, to gain information for a feasibility study of setting up own automotive research and development center
               for the Association. The Committee has invited the Director of the Thailand Automotive Institute to be an advisor
               to the Committee for a joint testing of auto parts in the near future.

                     2.3 Meeting with the Thai Auto Parts Aftermarket Association (TAPAA)
                     The Committee had a meeting with the Thai Auto Parts Aftermarket Association (TAPAA), discussing
               about methods and practices to have auto parts tested to earn standards equivalent to original parts and other
               concerned cooperation, on December 24, 2015 at the Century Park hotel.

               3. A Cooperation in Cross-border Motor Insurance Accident Survey, Claim Manage-
               ment, and Underwriting
                     The Committee had facilitated Allianz General Laos (AGL) in conducting an MOU signing ceremony
               between AGL and insurance companies in Thailand on providing collaborative services in accident survey,
               claim management, and underwriting for cross-border motor insurance. The project will offer convenience
               in claim service to insureds, who drive cross-border to another country, and also help save costs of claim
               management on the insurance companies’ side. The AGL signed the MOU with 22 non-life insurance companies,
               on September 25, 2015, at a meeting room of the Thai General Insurance Association.

               4. Motor Insurance Information Center
                     The Committee has developed and increased capacity of being the motor insurance information center,
               having continuously generated and publicized information for member companies since 2014. The Information
               available includes reference car prices for small-sized cars and large-sized cars and car repairing costs
               classified into 51 makers with 467 year series. The information can be accessed through the website of Thai
               General Insurance Association, in section Programs and Services/TGIA BOOK (

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